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YU Is The Worst Mobile Network In Kenya

yu is the worst mobile network in kenya


Kenya has four legally and fully operating mobile networks. Safaricom in Kenya is dominating the mobile network industry. Kenyans must admit that the mobile network industry is the most challenging industry ever. For instance mobile operators are accused in Kenya of not reporting “matapeli” making many Kenyans lose their money out of these malicious acts. ‘Matapeli’ in Kenya refers to the many conmen who keep calling or writing SMSs to rob off Kenyans money. It is also believed these mobile operators hold some evidence on the last 2007 violence in Kenya. The reasons why the mobile operators in Kenya do not report these acts is maybe they value their customers!

Come on Kenyans we are talking about the most annoying mobile network not the most expensive, so before we continue can you get Safaricom out of your mind?

Its true sometimes Safaricom can be annoying, like just that time between 7-9pm when the internet seems to go on a break. You can also mention that once in a blue-moon when a US dignitary decides to visit Kenya or any neighbouring country, the mobile networks seem to become non-functional till the dignitaries visiting East Africa go back to their home.

There is also this time of the month when the M-pesa services in Kenya breaks down. But Safaricom is not like a chocolate craving woman, at least you know when she will strike, or is it he? I would go with it.

There is this mobile network called Airtel in Kenya. Is this its current name? This company is like a teen on Facebook. Airtel keeps changing names more than I change my vest. It was Kencell then Celtel, Zain then now it’s Airtel. I think next it will be Bollocks or something of the sort. This mobile network in Kenya is not that good in choosing names.

Airtel annoys its customers in Kenya, by the way, what’s with their a thousand messages per day. But their internet services in Kenya are good and fast.

Not much is known about Orange mobile network in Kenya, but it’s more popular with its internet service through modems. I won’t talk about Orange mobile network much for the simple reason; there is no much to say.

You have to agree with me the Queen /King in the Mobile network most annoying is YU in Kenya. The name itself can make you think twice. Okay, YU network in Kenya does what all the other networks do. YU keeps loosing network service, sends countless messages to customers and more. YU services need intensive upgrade in Kenya. YU internet bundles in Kenya are cheap though the phone is always loading; it makes you wonder why you bought a 3G/4G enabled phone.

If YU upgraded their services, all Kenyans would be satisfied, but I would be happier if they went out of business altogether. Is that cruel? I am an aggrieved Kenyan.

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