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How To Obtain A Birth Certificate From Immigration Offices In Nairobi, Kenya

how to obtain a birth certificate from immigration offices in nairobi kenya


So it is that time of the year when you want to enroll your child to a public school in Kenya or you just want to apply for a visa in Kenya that enables you to go for that long deserved vacation and you find that you need one small identification document in Kenya, a birth certificate in Kenya, and you have no idea where to get it or the requirements needed to obtain a birth certificate in Kenya. A Birth certificate in Kenya is a vital record that documents the birth of a child. Birth certificate in Kenya has importance that cannot be over emphasized as only through the producing of this vital identification document in Kenya can you get other important documents in Kenya including passports application in Kenya, visas application in Kenya, application for employment in Kenya, national identification card in Kenya that is mandatory or just a simple key task of enrolling your child to school in Kenya be it kindergarten or registration of final national exams such as KCPE and KCSE in Kenya.

Registration Requirements of Obtaining a Birth Certificate in Kenya

Perceived as a vital document, birth certificate application in Kenya can only be done by people who qualify for Kenyan citizenship by descent in Kenya. Registration of persons in Kenya is done under the office of the president in Kenya, ministry of interior and co-ordination of National Government of Kenya, immigration and registrations of persons. The department of immigration in Kenya acknowledges the right of a child to a name and Kenyan nationality hence they strive to offer quality, efficient services with impartiality to all Kenyans who are seeking registration for a birth or death certificate in Kenya. To fulfill and prove the above requirement of descent, a birth notification document in Kenya has to be produced that is pink, this is usually signed by the doctor and the midwife who were present that act as witnesses that the birth occurred under their watch in Kenya. One parent’s national Identification card in Kenya will also be needed and photocopies of the parent’s Identification Card.

The process of obtaining a Birth Certificate in Kenya and fee paid to obtain a birth certificate in Kenya

Birth certificate application in Kenya attracts different charges depending on the current situation and need. For a person who is applying for a birth certificate in Kenya without amendments pays Ksh 50. For amendments in Birth Certificates in Kenya and correction of the Childs name on the birth certificate in Kenya, there is usually a payment of Ksh 50. To correct the name of the parent in a birth certificate in Kenya, one pays Ksh 90. For correction of both the name of child and the name of the parent in a birth certificate in Kenya, a total of Ksh 130 is paid. For re-registration for a birth certificate in Kenya, a fee of Ksh 90 is paid. For late registration of a Birth certificate in Kenya – which is usually termed when registration is occurring six months from date of birth occurrence in Kenya, a fee of Ksh 150 is paid at the offices of birth registration in Kenya.

The national government immigration and registration of persons main offices in Kenya are located in Upper Hill in Nairobi. The national government immigration and registration of persons main offices in Nairobi are opened from 8am to 4pm on weekdays with a two hour break at 12 noon for the staff lunch. To get there one will have to board a bus number 32 at the Nairobi Kencom stage and alight at the community bus stop in Upper Hill. The national government immigration and registration of persons main offices in Upper Hill are located to the left of the community bus stop along the Bishop Road directly opposite the Nairobi social security house(NSSF).

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