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How Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Promote Professional Teachers In Kenya

how teachers service commission tsc promote professional teachers in kenya


TSC is a Teachers` Service Commission in Kenya that is aimed at developing the profession of teaching and teaching career progression in Kenya. TSC in Kenya via the TSC Act section 35 recognizes and promotes teachers in Kenya to advance their teaching professional abilities via further studies. Therefore, the recent saga about TSC denying promotion of teachers in Kenya who have furthered their knowledge and skills to gain better positions beats logic.

Teachers Service Commission in Kenya provides for promotion of teachers every year on the merit of 6,000 teachers under common cadre, 3,000 teachers on attainment of higher qualifications, 5,000 teachers on Teachers Proficiency Courses in Kenya(TPC) and 8,000 teachers via competitive selection.

According to a TSC memo of July 2013, the teachers who attain higher qualifications are ought to be promoted to get incremental credits. The promotion of teachers in Kenya is based on the academic performance in the higher qualifications- with one incremental credit for teachers who secure a diploma course in Kenya, two incremental credits for teachers who get first degrees in Kenya and three incremental credits for teachers who acquire masters in Kenya.

With these set standards set by TSC in Kenya, the Teachers Service Commission in Kenya should set enough funds aside for promoting teachers in Kenya every year. This will create a reliable way of ensuring development of teachers profession in Kenya. To get in touch with Teachers Service Commission, you can use their TSC website at http://www.tsc.go.ke/ 

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