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  • Advantages Of Zakenya Article Writing Website Over Kenyaplex

Advantages Of Zakenya Article Writing Website Over Kenyaplex

advantages of zakenya article writing website over


Freelancing in Kenya is an emerging concept, not only in Kenya but also in the entire world. Zakenya has joined the freelance world of articles and it is a new freelance website (article writing) in Kenya that was launched four months ago and accepts articles based on Kenyan context. There is also another site called Kenyaplex in Kenya that accept articles and was started in 2008.

Although Kenyaplex has more categories to choose from, Zakenya is also coming up with new categories each day and I believe that it will soon overtake Kenyaplex in terms of service delivery to the clients (writers and readers in Kenya). Despite the fact that Zakenya is a new site in Kenya, it has overpowered Kenyaplex by the way it deals with the writers. For instance, Zakenya pays between kshs. 140- kshs.150 per article depending on the theme and target audience with a bonus for the most searched articles through SEO (search engine optimization) at the end of the month. On the otherwise, kenyaplex pays between kshs.20-kshs.50 for any article submitted for review. I do not think this is fair to the writers if you consider the resources and time they dedicate to writing.

In terms of communication, Zakenya is the best because whenever an article is rejected, it is immediately communicated to the writer in advance and the reasons for rejections are given unlike Kenyaplex where you would not even know why your articles are rejected since they do not give the reasons for the rejections of the articles and they do not communicate with the writers in any way. The Kenyaplex also blocks the members account without giving them reasons for their action. This is really devastating to the writers keeping in mind the time people dedicate to this exercise of article writing in Kenya. I do not think it is a crime for a person to be informed that he/she has made a mistake for there always a room for improvement unless a person is mentally sick. This is where Zakenya does it well and end up interacting with people through Facebook which really sounds better unlike Kenyaplex where it does not interact with its members.

Zakenya gives the people of Kenya a chance to interact and share their opinions through the site and the contents of this site are based on the Kenya context. This gives an advantage to the writers since can write anything about Kenya in the categories given by the Zakenya such as education, politics, fashion and many others. You as a Kenyan article writer can write about what you know provided the structure of your article is acceptable to ZaKenya website. In Kenyaplex, people write on the context of even outside world alongside those of Kenya which some Kenyans are not familiar with. Zakenya has also a place where you can see the number of viewers of a particular article unlike Kenyaplex where you cannot be able to identify if the people viewed your article or not. Article writing in Kenya has been made friendly by Zakenya. On Zakenya site, there are contact details and FAQ where writers and new people on the site can get to know more about the website and can enquire about anything that is not clear. Welcome to the best article writing site in Kenya.

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