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Services Available on Orange Mobile Network In Kenya: Benefits of Using An Orange Line

services available on orange mobile network in kenya benefits of using an orange line


As Kenya is migrating to the digital world, the communication provider companies in Kenya such as Orange Kenya are also trying their best in the world of connectivity in ensuring that people within Kenya are connected and are communicating to each other. Orange Network Company in Kenya has followed the same protocol in terms of diversity, because you can now find orange services in Kenya in far places such as Lodwar Town in Turkana County.

Since the launching of 3 G network connectivity on Orange in Kenya, Orange Kenya has grown alongside other network providers in Kenya such as Safaricom and Airtel Kenya. Orange Kenya is now the third largest network provider in Kenya after the Safaricom and Airtel Kenya. Am in the orange world and I love it because am enjoying its fruits because of its various offers in terms of tariffs.

If you look at the Tujuane tariff on Orange network in Kenya, there is a lot of money you can save through calls and sending short messages service because you can call you friends and family members who are on the other network such as Safaricom and Airtel Kenya at only Kshs. 3 per minute. Then a call within orange network in Kenya is only Kshs.2 per minute. You can also send a message on Tujuane tariff on Orange line in Kenya at only Kshs.1 per each message that you send.

There other benefit of using orange Kenya line is that the people who have friends and family members living in abroad countries such as United State of American, United Kingdom, Canada, China, and India can enjoy being in the world of orange Kenya because they can call them at only Kshs. 2 per minute which I saw as a much cheaper rate as compared to Safaricom and Airtel in Kenya.

Am subscribed to another tariff called Holla Tariff on Orange network in Kenya where life has been made cheaper for Kenyans because at only Kshs.10, you are awarded 180 free minutes that can enable you to communicate to several of your family members and friends who are within the orange network and living in Kenya. You are also awarded 100 free short messages service to use within orange network in Kenya, 20 free short messages service to other network providers in Kenya and again 10 MBs for internet usage to be used in orange line if you have is configured and able to connect to the internet.

If you run out of airtime on Orange network in Kenya, and you have an urgent message to tell someone, you can borrow credit (pewa credit service on Orange network) in the orange Kenya. You only need to dial *133# on Orange line and chose the option of either airtime worth Kshs.15 or Kshs.50. For one to qualify for pewa credit services on Orange Kenya, he/she should have been active in the Orange network in Kenya for seven months and had loaded an airtime of Kshs.50. You should also have a maximum balance of Kshs.5 in your orange line.

For one to enjoy the services of Orange Kenya, you need to purchase an Orange line from any orange shop in Kenya and then register it. Once you activate the Orange line, dial #123# and then select your favourite tariff or bundles on Orange services in Kenya from the options given. For more information, you can contact the customer care of Orange Kenya by calling 100 while in the country. You can also go to Orange Kenya website at www.orange.co.ke to get more information on various tariffs and offers on Orange network in Kenya.

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Hailing from Nairobi, Kenya's bustling capital, Laura Wanjiru has always been at the crossroads of innovation and tradition. As a child, she was deeply fascinated by the range of products that would make their way into her family's household – from traditional Kenyan crafts to the latest technological gadgets.

This curiosity about products and their usability led Laura to pursue a degree in Consumer Science at a prestigious university in Kenya. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her discerning eye and her innate ability to evaluate products with a balanced perspective, considering both the local context and global standards.

Upon graduation, Laura ventured into the world of journalism, carving a niche for herself as a product reviewer. Her reviews, covering a broad spectrum from household appliances to personal care items and tech gadgets, quickly gained a following. Readers appreciated her in-depth analysis, combined with her authentic voice that seamlessly blended technical know-how with relatable experiences.

Laura's work in the product review space did more than just guide consumers in their purchasing decisions; she also influenced brands and manufacturers to uphold high standards of quality and functionality, especially in the Kenyan market.

Beyond her written work, Laura Wanjiru has been a panelist on various consumer-focused television and radio shows, offering insights and tips on product selection and usage. She has also been instrumental in organizing and moderating consumer feedback sessions, helping brands better understand the Kenyan market.

Today, with her finger always on the pulse of consumer trends, Laura continues her mission of providing honest, clear, and impactful product reviews. Her work remains a valuable resource for readers not just in Kenya, but internationally, as they navigate the vast world of consumer products.

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