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How The Orange Home Talk Service Works In Kenya

how the orange home talk service works in kenya


All around the city of Nairobi, you may have seen billboards or even heard on the radio about the new Home Talk Service from Orange Kenya. If you are like me and have been wondering what this Home Talk is all about, well make yourself comfy and carry on reading to see what I found out about it. The orange home talk service in Kenya is s a wireless landline prepaid service based on GSM technology unlike the conventional land lines in Kenya. However, unlike the ones on mobile phones, it is geographically restricted. And therefore, you can get your town prefix 020 for Nairobi and 041 for Mombasa etc. This is to allow the user to enjoy high voice quality and using a phone number similar to traditional landline numbers under the new service in Kenya. When you want to move, simply visit any orange shop in Kenya and give your new location. The shop agents will provide a number for your new location at a fee of only KSH 100.

One may ask what the point of the new Orange Kenya service is if it is just like the traditional landline service. Well, orange home talk service in Kenya boasts of a number of benefits that will have you reconsidering the usual landline. Among others the benefits include;

• No more copper cables to your house this means no more cable cuts or if having to wait for your phone to get connected by the cable guys and also less wires running around your home or office in Kenya.

• The orange home talk service in Kenya is prepaid therefore this enables you to avoid numerous bills end month and be in control of how much you spend on the phone. To check account balance for your account, dial *222#, select option 3 “manage my account”.

• The orange home talk service in Kenya is a plug and play device. No connections are required. It is a ready to use service.

• One can now enjoy better rates and save: E.g. enjoy Mobile rates on your fixed line by buying the monthly bundle. The pre-paid service is provided through a plug and play desktop phone which costs of KSH 5,200 that comes with a one-time special device for the home talk service. The Orange Kenya service comes with a dedicated menu that can be accessed by just dialling *222# which enables you to manage your account (Top up, subscribe to the bundle, and manage your bundle features).

Customers of Orange Kenya can buy a monthly bundle to enable them enjoy better rates and a defined number of free minutes of on net and off net calls. The tariff description is that by subscribing to the bundle for only KSH 750 per month, one can access on the same network calls for just KSHS 2 per minute and KSHS 3 per minute on off network calls as opposed to the Sh6 for on-net calls and Sh12 for off-net calls on the Telkom fixed landlines. To subscribe to the bundle to subscribe to the bundle simply dial *222#, select option 2 and follow instructions. One can subscribe to the bundle at any time of the month, and the bundle is valid for 30 days.

The orange home talk service in Kenya not only lets you enjoy Orange mobile rates on your landline but also get 10hours of free calls to 3 preferred Orange mobile numbers, 5 hours of free calls to all other Orange numbers in Kenya, for instance, Fixed numbers and Telkom wireless numbers, SMSes across all networks in Kenya at Ksh.1 per SMS and 1 free change of Orange preferred numbers per month Ksh.100 for every other change if it goes beyond one change in a month. Preferred numbers are the numbers that you choose so that after subscribing to the bundle you get 10 hours to talk to them for free. For those customers wondering if they can I retain their old prefix and/or old number, No need to stress yourself wondering, as former customers can have their numbers on Home Talk.

Existing customers of Orange in Kenya can migrate with their current landline number on home talk within the same geographical zone. Also for those who prefer the post pay service on Orange, Orange Kenya has plans to introduce the option by the end of this year. At the moment, Home Talk is available in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Eldoret. The service will be targeting households and small and medium enterprises which are some of the biggest consumers of the landline services in Kenya. The service however is not available to customers who want more than one line or customers who have switchboards and the product is only suitable for homes and small businesses. A customer can however buy more than one desktop and have the numbers within a Closed User Group.

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Hailing from Nairobi, Kenya's bustling capital, Laura Wanjiru has always been at the crossroads of innovation and tradition. As a child, she was deeply fascinated by the range of products that would make their way into her family's household – from traditional Kenyan crafts to the latest technological gadgets.

This curiosity about products and their usability led Laura to pursue a degree in Consumer Science at a prestigious university in Kenya. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her discerning eye and her innate ability to evaluate products with a balanced perspective, considering both the local context and global standards.

Upon graduation, Laura ventured into the world of journalism, carving a niche for herself as a product reviewer. Her reviews, covering a broad spectrum from household appliances to personal care items and tech gadgets, quickly gained a following. Readers appreciated her in-depth analysis, combined with her authentic voice that seamlessly blended technical know-how with relatable experiences.

Laura's work in the product review space did more than just guide consumers in their purchasing decisions; she also influenced brands and manufacturers to uphold high standards of quality and functionality, especially in the Kenyan market.

Beyond her written work, Laura Wanjiru has been a panelist on various consumer-focused television and radio shows, offering insights and tips on product selection and usage. She has also been instrumental in organizing and moderating consumer feedback sessions, helping brands better understand the Kenyan market.

Today, with her finger always on the pulse of consumer trends, Laura continues her mission of providing honest, clear, and impactful product reviews. Her work remains a valuable resource for readers not just in Kenya, but internationally, as they navigate the vast world of consumer products.

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