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Come on people! Is it beat on Shebesh month?

50 come on people is it beat on shebesh month


Come on people! Is it beat on Shebesh month?

by vicky Tsiluma

5f71c8e8a3Barely a month has gone by since the video of Governor Evans Kidero slapping Nairobi women’s representative went viral on Youtube. Now, reports are saying that the formidable woman was assaulted by Senator Mike Mbuvi, famously known as Sonko. According to the Star newspaper, Shebesh has already reported the incident to Kilimani police station. Witnesses say that Shebesh had been arguing before the incident ensued on Thursday night and that Sonko has confirmed the incident but advised people to stay out of his private life.

The first incidence was said to be tit for tat. The second incident is said to be as a result of an argument. This begs the question, since when has violence against women needed a justification? Rachel Shebesh is the representative of all women in Nairobi and Kenya as a whole. When the person who is supposed to be the voice of the woman is blatantly disrespected and assaulted, then other women have a cause to worry.

Violence against women is a real phenomenon. It affects women of all walks of life and of different ages. Judging by the reactions, justifications and outright laughter of many individuals about the Shebesh assault, it is clear that Kenya has a long way to go to curb this very serious violation. A country that cannot protect those it terms weak is a country that fails its people in many aspects. The mind set that some women deserve a beating sets a dangerous precedence and tells our young men, yes, this practice is acceptable and yes, you can get away with it.

Kenya is undergoing tumultuous times and according to reports, the times are set to become worse. It is one thing to fight against enemies from without but when we start fighting enemies from within, we might as well consider the battle lost. Rampant corruption, hooliganism and ethnicity are already wrecking havoc on the development of Kenya. When we factor in daylight assault on the leaders of our country, then one can only wonder where this country is headed to.

Article source: https://www.zakenya.com/Politics/50-Come-on-people-Is-it-beat-on-Shebesh-month.html


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Born in the culinary-rich city of Kisumu, along the shores of Lake Victoria, Cynthia Kendeli's passion for Food & Beverage was almost predestined. Her earliest memories revolve around the bustling fish markets and aromatic eateries of her hometown, and it was this backdrop that kindled her love for food and its cultural significance.

However, Cynthia's interests were dual-pronged. The political landscape of Kenya, with its dynamic shifts and intricate tapestry, also captivated her. This blend of culinary love and political intrigue paved her path to one of Kenya's leading universities, where she pursued degrees in both Food Science and Political Science.

Throughout her academic journey, Cynthia stood out for her unique ability to interweave two seemingly disparate subjects. She penned articles that delved into the socio-political impacts on Kenya's food and beverage industry, exploring topics ranging from local farm policies to international trade agreements.

After graduation, Cynthia quickly established herself in the world of journalism. Her writings, which appeared in national newspapers and magazines, bridged the gap between culinary enthusiasts and political aficionados. With every article, she managed to underscore the intricate relationship between politics and what ends up on the plates of Kenyans.

Her investigative pieces, particularly those that highlighted the interplay between governmental policies and the food & beverage sector, have earned her accolades both nationally and internationally. Cynthia's work does not just inform; it prompts discussions, incites debates, and often leads to tangible change in policy-making circles.

In addition to her journalistic endeavors, Cynthia Kendeli actively participates in food festivals, political debates, and educational seminars, serving as a bridge between the culinary world and the political arena.

Today, as a celebrated voice in both Food & Beverage and political journalism, Cynthia Kendeli continues to satiate the appetites of readers keen on understanding the confluence of culture, cuisine, and politics in Kenya.

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