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  • Tips On The Rational Steps To Take When A Grievous Accusation Is Made In Kenya

Tips On The Rational Steps To Take When A Grievous Accusation Is Made In Kenya

tips on the rational steps to take when a grievous accusation is made in kenya


Deny! Deny! Deny! That seems to be the motto whenever a serious accusation or a dispute in Kenya is brought to the attention of those in a position of authority in Kenya. The culture of impunity in Kenya still rides high despite efforts to terminate it. The name of an institution in Kenya is often placed first and those who seek to report a serious matter are often criticized for ‘wanting to ruin the good name’ of the said institution. However, as more Kenyans get to know their rights in Kenya, simply brushing off a grievous matter will not be enough. So, as an institution, what can you do when a grievance is brought to your attention in Kenya? Most institutions in Kenya never know how to react to accusations made against them. We can already have several examples in Kenya such as the various government offices in Kenya and Ministries in Kenya. Here, some of the steps to follow in case an accusation is made against an institution you head or your office in Kenya:

Perfect the act of listening

Listening is an attribute that everyone should develop in Kenya. Once someone comes up to you and starts telling you something, keep your mouth shut and your ears wide open. Listen carefully to whatever is being said and ensure that you get the whole story, names of those involved and any other pertinent information.

Show empathy

The person reporting top you may be in obvious distress especially when a serious act is involved. Calm the individual down and empathize with him or her. Let them know that you are taking them seriously and that you are sorry for what they are going through. Showing empathy to Kenyans will soften their hearts and reduce animosity in the situation in Kenya.

Ask for clarification

Do not just listen but also ask for clarification. The individual bringing up the accusation may not divulge all the information clearly. You need to ask for more information to get all facts right. Ask for names, dates, and incidents and take notes for future reference. You need to double check to ensure that you have gotten all the relevant information. In Kenya, information is crucial in dealing with any accusation made.

Assure the person

Assure whoever brought the matter to you that you are going to investigate the incidence in a timely and objective manner. The Kenyan needs to know that he or she will not be victimized because of whatever has happened. You need to ensure that any person who hears of the accusation will not discuss it. Confidentiality in Kenya is of utmost importance as you try to get to the bottom of the matter. Conflicts in Kenya are easily resolved where confidentiality is ensured.

Investigate the matter

Ensure that you investigate the matter and call the relevant authorities to take up the investigation. Protecting the name of your institution in Kenya starts with ensuring that everyone in it acts in a manner that is above reproach. Let the investigators do their job in Kenya. This way the truth will come out, and everyone will know that your institution took active steps to find out the truth of the matter.

What next once the investigation is done

Once the investigation in Kenya is done their can only be two outcomes – guilty or not guilty. If the accused is found to have committed a crime in Kenya, let the law of Kenya do its job and take steps to ensure the grievance never happens again. On the other hand, if the accused is found innocent, take steps to inform all parties involved of his or her innocence and apologize to the individual.

There comes a time when someone in an institution in Kenya is accused of committing a crime. When such a time comes, the way institutions in Kenya deal with the accusation says more about them than anything else. When it comes to the welfare of children in Kenya, the truth is more important than an individual or the name of an institution. And frankly, once the community knows that those in the institution will always pursue the truth, the institution will not be tarnished, but it will be more respected institution by Kenyans.

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From the bustling streets of Nairobi, Jean-Wandimi emerged as a keen observer of urban landscapes and the evolving nature of workplaces. Born to a city planner and a human resources professional, she grew up immersed in dialogues about city infrastructures and the complexities of workplace dynamics.

Drawn to understanding the intricacies of the corporate world, Jean-Wandimi pursued a degree in Organizational Psychology at a top Kenyan university. Here, she studied the subtle interplay between human behavior, workspace design, and organizational culture, making her deeply aware of the multifaceted nature of office environments.

Upon completing her studies, Jean-Wandimi combined her academic prowess with her knack for storytelling to become a writer. She started penning articles that delved deep into the psychology of workplaces, touching on topics from team dynamics to the spatial design of modern offices. Her work soon garnered attention, with businesses seeking her insights to create more harmonious and productive work environments.

Jean-Wandimi's writings have been featured in prominent Kenyan business publications and international journals. Her insights have not only guided business leaders but have also informed architects and designers looking to create spaces that cater to the emotional and psychological needs of their inhabitants.

Outside of her written work, Jean-Wandimi is a consultant for major corporations, providing expertise on building positive office cultures and environments. She also hosts workshops and is a regular speaker at industry conferences, championing the importance of employee well-being and its connection to workspace design.

Today, Jean-Wandimi stands as a leading voice in the realm of office dynamics and design psychology. Her work continues to influence and inspire, ensuring that workplaces aren't just functional, but also nurturing spaces that foster growth and collaboration.

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