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How Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) Posses A Health Risk To Women In Kenya

how female genital mutilation fgm posses a health risk to women in kenya


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya is also known as female circumcision. Female Circumcision is a rare practice in Kenya, though in cases like Kisii in Kenya, it is still practiced. It is estimated that about 130 million girls are currently living with the effects of FGM. A further two million girls are at a risk of the practice. Societies that practice FGM in Kenya believe that it is an initiation into adulthood and prevents the woman from becoming promiscuous.

There are four types of operations involved in FGM in Kenya; Circumcision, which involves cutting of the prepuces or hood of the clitoris. There is also Excision, which involves the cutting of the clitoris together with all or part of the labia minora. The third type of cut in Kenya is Infibulation, which involves the cutting of the clitoris, labia minora, and part of labia majora. The two sides of the vulva of the woman are pinned together with silk, catgut sutures, or probably with thorns, thus obliterating the vaginal introitus leaving a small opening, preserved by inserting a piece of wood or reed for passage of urine or menstrual blood. The girl’s legs are bound together from hip to ankle, and she is kept immobile for 40 days to permit the formation of scar tissue

The fouth type of FGM in Kenya is Intermediate, which involves the removal of the clitoris and some or all parts of the labia minora. All of these operations present severe consequences to the reproductive health for girls and women in Kenya.

Health Consequences of FGM in Kenya

FGM in Kenya is associated with several health risks to women which include; Medical complications such as haemorrhage, pain, pelvic infection, and painful intercourse, Complications of childbirth such as obstructed labour due to scarring of tissues. In some communities in Kenya, the husband must give consent before an episiotomy can be performed. The Female circumcision procedure in Kenya also denies the woman enjoyment of sexual life as the clitoris plays a role in reaching orgasm.

FGM also predisposes girls to early marriage in Kenya since after the initiation they are considered mature and can get married. Early marriage, as we said earlier, has negative consequences on their RH as it exposes them to early pregnancy. If contraception is not used, the girl may have many deliveries, which predisposes her to various risks, including cancer of the cervix (Miranda). Now you know the  dangers of female circumcision in Kenya, do something to discourage it and save our women in Kenya from this tradition.

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Emerging from the athletic heartland of Rift Valley, Eka Kaoo was destined to have a relationship with sports. However, instead of lacing up running shoes, Eka picked up a pen, weaving narratives around the athletes who brought pride to Kenya.

Growing up, Eka was deeply inspired by the marathoners and middle-distance runners from his region, often finding himself amidst training camps and local races, absorbing stories of dedication, sweat, and sheer willpower.

Eka pursued his passion academically at a renowned university in Kenya, specializing in Sports Journalism. This formal education, combined with his intrinsic understanding of the Kenyan sporting ethos, allowed him to produce articles that resonated deeply with readers. His pieces, rich with local anecdotes and broad insights, began to get attention both within the university and in the national press.

Upon graduation, Eka became a sought-after name in sports journalism. His writings, spanning across various sports but with a soft corner for track and field, offered a fresh perspective, blending personal athlete stories with technical analyses.

Eka Kaoo's articles soon began appearing in international sports magazines and journals, elevating him to the status of an ambassador for Kenyan sports on the global stage. He covered major events like the Olympics and the World Championships, consistently providing readers with unique, Kenya-centric viewpoints.

Beyond his journalistic endeavors, Eka has been instrumental in organizing grassroots sports events in Kenya, aiming to unearth hidden talents and provide them with a platform to shine.

Today, as one of the leading voices in sports journalism in Africa, Eka Kaoo continues to champion the stories of athletes, always reminding the world of the heart, soul, and spirit of Kenyan sports.

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