Nairobi Chic Eye Make Up!!

nairobi chic eye make up 1


Make up is used to enhance outer beauty as well as hide a few flaws. It shouldn’t make you look like you had fallen into a can of paint. To throw in my two cents to the matter, I say “The less, the better”.
It would be interesting to note that as I write this piece, I do not wear any make up,save for a simple touch of lip gloss. Not because I dont like make up but probably because my “less”_as explained  in the paragraph above goes as far as zero. However properly applied make up is totally smashing. It makes one look like “a glass of water with ice to a man stranded in a desert at noon”as Dr Mich Egwang would put it.
Eye make up is what’s most eye-catching- (pun intended!)
Eye shadow goes a long way in defining a natural or a dramatic look. I am not sure if eyeshadow should extend to the brow though. I personally think that it should not. It should be on the eyelid and just slightly above the lid-crease.
Then we get to the eye liner. Yes an eye liner shows the outlines of the eye and should most certainly not be overdone. It is advisable to stick to a colour that complements your complexion. Ashy grays and white eyeliners are not my cup of tea. I vouch for brown or black-perhaps.
Mascara beats lash extensions face down. I would go for mascara anytime!It tends to have a naturally elongating effect on the eyelashes. Fake eyelashes could not look any faker!(if such a word exists). We would not want eyelashes melting away especially in the sunny Nairobi weather as did the wax fixed wings of the character whoflew very close to the sun in some old tale.
A nicely trimmed pair of eyebrows is the coating on the cake. You are likely to get away with this- even with no eye makeup. Nicely shaped and neat eyebrows simply give you the edge!! Eyebrow shaping is a cost effective affair. Kenyan salons would have them trimmed for as low so 150shillings or thereabout but ranging higher in upmarket salons. It is definitely worth the investment. There are some people who can do this only with a set of tweezers and a mirror! To them we say…Lucky are they!
And for the divas! There i something I hear referred to as the “Smoky Eye”. (Why Smoky???anyway…..). It involves blending in lighter and darker shades of eye shadow so as to have a fading overlap. Applying mascara on the upper eyelash and a soft sweep over the lower lash is the last step. I advise that this should be done by a professional lest you end up doing it wrong.

Now, as I sign off- there is one thing that I have up to date never understood. Why would anyone shave off their entire eyebrows, only to redraw them back with eyeliner?
I leave that to the experts!


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Born in the vibrant heart of Nairobi, Kenya, Wa Kimani was always destined to stand out. From the colorful markets of her hometown to the world's most sophisticated art galleries and fashion runways, her journey has been one of relentless passion and unique insights into the world of fashion and art.

From an early age, Wa's love for patterns, textures, and colors was evident. As she grew, so did her inclination towards integrating traditional Kenyan elements into modern designs. Her family often recalled her incessant sketching and her knack for turning ordinary fabrics into extraordinary ensembles.

Wa's academic pursuits led her to one of Kenya's esteemed universities, where she majored in Fine Arts with a focus on contemporary African fashion. During her years in academia, she frequently contributed articles to local magazines, always stressing the symbiotic relationship between art and fashion.

After graduating, Wa ventured into the fashion journalism scene. She quickly gained recognition as an authoritative voice, blending her keen aesthetic eye with a profound understanding of Kenya's rich artistic heritage. Her articles, deeply rooted in both tradition and modernity, have since graced the pages of international fashion and art journals.

Today, Wa Kimani is celebrated not only as an accomplished writer but also as an advocate for the fusion of traditional African art with contemporary fashion. Through her writings and collaborations with designers and artists alike, she continually strives to showcase the beauty and depth of Kenyan culture to the global audience.

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