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Where To Enrol For Media-Related Courses In Nairobi, Kenya

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There is no doubt that the media industry in Kenya has grown in leaps and bounds over the past couple of years. This is pretty much evident by the fact that many media houses in Kenya have set up base in the recent times, just to beef up the competition. Unlike in the 1990s, when all Kenyans were forced to watch was KBC television and listen to KBC Radio Taifa, things have truly changed over the past one decade. Generally, the 21st century has seen many developments in Kenya, and this means in all facets of life.

The growth in the media industry in Kenya over the past one decade is attributable to a wide range of factors. Other than the fact that many Kenyans are today highly motivated, driven and learned, the number of institutions of higher learning in Kenya which offer media courses in Kenya has also been on an exponential rise. In that case, therefore, if you are out there in high school, or you have just completed your secondary school studies and you are looking forward to study media and journalism in Kenya, you can be sure that your options as regards the institutions to attend are pretty much limitless.

The main issue, which you however need to think about, is the quality of education that you will be able to get from these institutions in Kenya. Does the college or university in Kenya value its students? Do they offer courses in Kenya which are accredited by the Kenya Commission for Higher Education? Do they have qualified lecturers in Kenya? Do the institutions in Kenya have the right kind of facilities and support platforms? Are the institutions’ degrees or diplomas recognized in Kenya? These are some of the questions which you will have to ask yourself when doing your initial search on institutions in Kenya.

However, if you are reading this article, you should not worry about searching for the best colleges and universities in Kenya to study media courses at. I have compiled for you a list of the most credible institutions in the country today for the media courses in Kenya.  If you enroll at any of these colleges in Kenya, you can be assured of a high quality education. Let us now delve into the issues at hand;

Daystar University in Kenya

Daystar University in Kenya is perhaps Kenya’s best media training institution today. Many of the most influential media personalities in Kenya today pursued their studies at Daystar University. This includes people like Larry Madowo, Johnson Mwakazi, Waihiga Mwaura, Lizz Ntojira and not forgetting Kenya’s kind of comedy, all famous Eric Omondi. This is just the right kind of a University in Kenya which you need to enroll at if you truly cherish quality education. With a highly qualified teaching staff in Kenya, you can expect the best levels of skills and knowledge to be imparted on you every other day by the experts in Daystar University.

Daystar University is located along the Nairobi/Mombasa road and with a Daystar University campus at Valley Road here in Nairobi. Daystar University in Nairobi is located in the junction of Ngong Road and Valley Road in Nairobi and near The Nairobi Hospital. There is no doubt that Daystar in Kenya is the place where quality education rests.

Multimedia University of Kenya

Just as the name implies, Multimedia University is the Kenya’s ICT centre of Excellence.  Previously known as the Kenya College of Communication Technology, Multimedia University in Kenya has grown at a fast pace over the past couple of years. The current Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Henry Kosgey traces his roots back to Multimedia University in Kenya. Over the years, Multimedia University has been a centre of excellence in media, information technology and engineering studies in Kenya. The good thing with Multimedia University in Kenya is that it even allows you to start your career from a low level. You can even start by enrolling for certificate, graduate to diploma and then pursue your degree right at the same institution. Multimedia University in Kenya is a based in Langata in Nairobi. Multimedia University is located in Langata along Magadi Road in Nairobi, and it is the place Kenyans need to enrol for media courses and journalism in Kenya.

Kenya Institute of Mass Communication

Last but not least, Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) is another college in Kenya offering media courses. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication has been regarded at a top media training institution in Kenya, but not just here in Kenya but also across the East African Region. The KIMC college in Kenya boasts an ever increasing enrolment year in year out.  If you take a look at the media industry in Kenya as it is today, you will realize that a considerable percentage of the top players once passed through Kenya Institute of Mass Communication. Just as the name suggests, KIMC is the exact place where you can expect to acquire quality media-related education in Kenya. KIMC is located in South B in Nairobi. Kenya Institute of Mass Communication is located in Shikanga in South B along Melili Road near Shimo La Tewa in Nairobi.

About the Author

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Hailing from Nairobi, Kenya's bustling capital, Laura Wanjiru has always been at the crossroads of innovation and tradition. As a child, she was deeply fascinated by the range of products that would make their way into her family's household – from traditional Kenyan crafts to the latest technological gadgets.

This curiosity about products and their usability led Laura to pursue a degree in Consumer Science at a prestigious university in Kenya. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her discerning eye and her innate ability to evaluate products with a balanced perspective, considering both the local context and global standards.

Upon graduation, Laura ventured into the world of journalism, carving a niche for herself as a product reviewer. Her reviews, covering a broad spectrum from household appliances to personal care items and tech gadgets, quickly gained a following. Readers appreciated her in-depth analysis, combined with her authentic voice that seamlessly blended technical know-how with relatable experiences.

Laura's work in the product review space did more than just guide consumers in their purchasing decisions; she also influenced brands and manufacturers to uphold high standards of quality and functionality, especially in the Kenyan market.

Beyond her written work, Laura Wanjiru has been a panelist on various consumer-focused television and radio shows, offering insights and tips on product selection and usage. She has also been instrumental in organizing and moderating consumer feedback sessions, helping brands better understand the Kenyan market.

Today, with her finger always on the pulse of consumer trends, Laura continues her mission of providing honest, clear, and impactful product reviews. Her work remains a valuable resource for readers not just in Kenya, but internationally, as they navigate the vast world of consumer products.

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