The Unemployed Kenyan graduate

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The Unemployed Kenyan graduate

by Brenda Mareri

Years spent getting your communal degree are finally over and you’re stepping into the dreaded world of the job hunt. It’s almost routine for all graduates to wake up early, shower, dress up and sit at your computer. Open job websites and scan for suitable positions. Apply to all trainee positions but no reply. Depression sets in, you move on to printing multiple copies of your CV and posting them to all potential employees.

Broke, no job prospects and depressed am sure this is something most graduates go through. Pressure from the family members to step it up and get some income gets you to your wits end. What are you doing wrong? When is your big break? Well then you need to change how you operate. Running the same routine and expecting the same results is just futile. Using the same CV to apply to all job positions is not advisable.

Get your CV revamped using tips from websites such as Your cover letter should not be pages long, no employer wants to read your whole life history, let your CV do that for you. Even after all this most Kenyan graduates still can’t catch a lucky break, next best thing to do is engross yourself in volunteer work,  keep busy and active to give your life meaning or go back to your studies.

Don’t stop improving your CV and always have a positive outlook on life. A mantra that I personally live by is that ‘When life gives you lemons make lemonade’. 

Best thing to do is to learn a new skill, never programmed before? Get on the internet learn some java script and C++. Always wanted to know how to make abstract art, get on the internet and learn how. Learn how to make some origami and sell them to your neighbors. Keeping busy will keep you sane and active. You will have an open mind to try new skills which might eventually land you your new job.



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Originating from the picturesque valleys of Nakuru, a region of Kenya known for its stunning flamingo-populated lakes, Lotela Paul's early life was steeped in stories and narratives that danced between the daily lives of the local people and the grand tapestry of Kenyan history.

This rich backdrop propelled Lotela to one of Kenya's top universities, where her multidisciplinary studies allowed her to explore a mosaic of subjects, from history and culture to contemporary issues and technological advancements. This academic diversity would later become a cornerstone of her writing style.

Upon completing her education, Lotela embarked on a writing journey that knew no boundaries. Whether diving deep into the intricacies of Kenyan folklore, elucidating the nuances of modern urban challenges, or delving into the potential of emerging technologies in East Africa, Lotela's articles carried a signature blend of depth, insight, and local flavor.

Her versatility made her a cherished contributor to various Kenyan publications, and soon, her work gained international attention. Readers from around the world have come to appreciate her ability to touch on diverse themes while maintaining a coherent voice that reflects the heart and soul of Kenya.

Beyond her written endeavors, Lotela Paul is an advocate for promoting literary talents in Kenya. She has been involved in several grassroots initiatives that aim to nurture young writers, providing them with platforms to voice their perspectives and stories.

In today's ever-evolving literary landscape, Lotela stands as a beacon of adaptability and authenticity. Her writings, regardless of their theme, always carry a touch of Kenya—a testament to her love for her homeland and her commitment to sharing its multifaceted stories with the world.

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