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Orange Kenya And DIPEK: Is This Another Pyramid Scheme In Kenya?

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Orange Kenya is a telecommunications company in Kenya and has had great success in the provision of the internet but not in the call/ mobile sector in Kenya. Orange Kenya has been unable to cope up with the stiff competition from the mobile industry players in Kenya such as Safaricom and Airtel Kenya. The number of Orange SIM card subscribers in Kenya is at number three, the first being Safaricom and the second being Airtel in Kenya. But in their bid to stay ahead of the game, Orange Kenya have come up with a new multilevel marketing scheme that is similar to GNLD in Kenya and the like as a way of rewarding Orange users and subscribers in Kenya.

Working in conjunction with Pillar Technologies in Kenya, Orange Kenya have found a way of rewarding subscribers who use Orange services in Kenya as well as those who introduce others to using Orange in Kenya. The Orange initiative is known as DIPEK in Kenya. DIPEK initiative in Kenya requires that you invest in Kshs 2,750. Out of this initial investment, Kshs 500 is converted to Orange airtime of that amount. If you get to introduce a new person to Orange services in Kenya, they invest the same amount; Kshs 500 is converted to airtime while Kshs 200 is given to your orange money line in Kenya. If they introduce a new person, you get to earn Kshs 150 while the other person gets to take Kshs 200. This goes on until the twelfth generation with your cash rewards remaining at fifty from the fourth generation onwards.

Further, for every Kshs 500 of credit your down-lines use, you get to earn 2.5 shillings. This means that if you manage to get one 1,000 people to your network, and they use Kshs 1,000 worth of air time and not five hundred shillings, you get to earn five thousand shillings worth of passive income from DIPEK program in Kenya.  If your network grows to two hundred and fifty people, you are rewarded with ten thousand shillings to start a business of your own. The hard part to all this is getting people to join your network and making your down-lines to become enthusiastic about getting others to join the team. Also once you have managed to grow a network of five thousand people, you get twenty five thousand shillings of passive income form DIPEK initiative in Kenya.

Although DIPEK initiative in Kenya is good, the major challenge that Orange Kenya faces is its infrastructure. Orange network in Kenya is not available in some parts of the country therefore taking this idea to others may seem a difficult task. Because of the huge response it is getting, you find yourself having to try to call more than once. Calls cannot easily go through in Orange network in Kenya. Also, Orange internet connection in Kenya is also poor in some parts of Nairobi. In as much as this is a well thought out plan, Orange Kenya did not foresee a situation where their current infrastructure would be overloaded with Orange subscribers in Kenya.

It also begs the question, is this DIPEK payment plan in Kenya sustainable if new subscribers don’t come on board? Tell us is this DIPEK program in Kenya a great Network Marketing program or just another pyramid scheme waiting to bust its bubble? Only time will tell us so.

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Emerging from the scenic landscapes of Kericho, with its verdant tea fields, James Ndetto's roots may seem a world apart from the bustling urban centers where communication theories are fervently discussed. Yet, it was here, amidst community gatherings and local stories, that James first understood the power of effective communication.

His curiosity took him to one of Kenya's premier universities, where he pursued a degree in Communication Studies. James' academic journey was marked by a desire to merge traditional African communication methods with modern theories and technologies, aiming to bridge the past with the present.

Post-graduation, James channeled his passion and expertise into writing. He began penning articles that provided deep insights into the evolving world of communication, especially as it pertained to the Kenyan context. His work touched upon diverse themes, from interpersonal communication in Kenyan communities to the transformative power of digital platforms in Africa.

James Ndetto's writings quickly resonated with readers across the continent. His unique perspective, which balanced academic rigor with relatable anecdotes, made him a favored voice in the realm of communication studies.

Beyond his written endeavors, James has taken on roles in academia, teaching courses on communication at notable Kenyan institutions. He has also been an active participant in international conferences, representing Kenya and contributing to global dialogues on the future of communication.

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