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  • Where To Purchase Kenpoly Plastic Products In Nairobi, Kenya

Where To Purchase Kenpoly Plastic Products In Nairobi, Kenya

where to purchase kenpoly plastic products in nairobi kenya


The use of products made from plastics is an aspect that has been gaining popularity in Kenya at a fast pace. Right from furniture, household goods, kids’ items, crates, poultry houses and industrial products, it almost seems like a larger percentage of what we have around us is made using plastics in Kenya. This is apparently the state of affairs in Kenya today and things don’t seem to change any time soon.

There is one plastics manufacturer in Kenya making headlines.  Much as competitors in plastic manufacturing in Kenya do exist, Kenpoly in Kenya has always been dear to the hearts of millions of Kenyans today.  This is because ever since the inception of Kenpoly company, they have always been dedicated to offer quality products and services in Kenya to their customers.  Kenpoly company, just like I had stated before, manufactures a plethora of plastic products.  Here, now is a look at some of their main product categories at Kenpoly Company in Kenya;

Plastic Furniture

Perhaps this is one of the largest categories of plastic products in Kenya which are offered by Kenpoly today.  The company in Kenya specializes in the manufacture and sale of plastic chairs, stools, and tables among many other furniture products.   If you are in need of storage products, you can also expect to get the best from the experts here.  Most of the products in Kenya in this furniture category are pretty much affordable with the Kenpoly chairs in Kenya are retailing at about Ksh. 500 at Kamukunji market next to the Machakos Country Bus Station in Nairobi.

Household plastic products

The largest chunks of products which are manufactured by Kenpoly company in Kenya are mainly intended for household purposes.  This includes the likes of baskets, bowls, basins, bins, buckets, chopping boards, dish racks, funnels and many more.  This is with no doubt your one stop supplier when you are in need of household products either to resale or to use in your own home.

Kids plastic products

It is also important to appreciate the fact that Kenpoly company has got a great offering and supply of products for Kenyans that are intended for use by kids.  This shows that the Kenpoly company has the interests of kids at heart. Moreover, they want to develop generations that will grow up to appreciate the kind of products that they make and supply. If you want to buy juice bottles, baby chairs, baby walkers, baby baths, baby potties, kiddy cups, lunch boxes or kiddy desks, this is exactly the place where you can expect to find the best products in Kenya.

Crates from Kenpoly

People in Kenya who deal with crates are also taken care of by Kenpoly Manufacturers in Kenya. Remember that, in Kenya you can use a crate for any purpose and as such they are not just limited to the breweries and milk processing firms. However, we have to appreciate the fact that most of the crates which are manufactured by Kenpoly normally are intended for the people in the manufacturing and processing industries in Kenya. Rarely would people in Nairobi use crates in their own homes.  It does not matter whether you require fully closed crates, nesting crates, milk crates or open crates; you can rest assured that the experts at Kenpoly Manufacturers in Kenya will definitely offer you the best.

Industrial, poultry and floriculture products

It is also important to appreciate the fact that Kenpoly also makes products intended for the floriculture, poultry and industrial applications.  So, this is more of one stop- shop for all your plastic product requirements in Kenya.

Where can Kenyans buy Kenpoly products in Kenya?

There are many places where Kenyans will come across products made by Kenpoly plastic manufacturers. Most of the major supermarkets in Kenya such as Tuskys, Nakumatt, Ukwala, Naivas, Uchumi and Tumaini offer these products. However, if you would like to get these products at a cheaper bargain, I would advise you to get them from Kamukunji   Market that is just next to the Machakos country bus in Nairobi.

Kenpoly Manufacturers Limited as a company is located in the Industrial area of Nairobi along Lunga Lunga Road. People in Kenya can buy plastic products from Kenpoly directly from the manufacturers in Nairobi Industrial area or calling directly on +254-722723700.

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Born amidst the bustling economic hub of Nairobi, Kinlark Nafasi's story is deeply rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Kenya's capital. As a young boy, Kinlark's inquisitiveness was piqued by the vibrant business activities around him, from the busy street vendors to the towering corporate offices that painted the city's skyline.

This early intrigue was the catalyst for his academic pursuits at one of Kenya's top universities, where he majored in Business Administration. While in university, Kinlark's natural flair for articulating complex business concepts and trends became evident. His articles, often peppered with astute observations and data-driven insights, caught the attention of not just his professors, but local business periodicals as well.

Upon graduation, Kinlark quickly established himself in the world of business journalism. His deep understanding of the African market dynamics, combined with a global perspective, made his writings invaluable. He covered a wide array of topics, from the challenges faced by startups in Nairobi to the macroeconomic policies shaping the East African community.

Kinlark's articles have since been published in renowned international business journals, earning him a reputation as a leading voice on African business matters. Beyond journalism, he has been instrumental in organizing business forums and conferences, fostering a dialogue between entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.

Today, Kinlark Nafasi continues to chronicle the evolving business landscape of Kenya and Africa as a whole. Through his writings, he endeavors to inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing critical insights to investors and business leaders worldwide.

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