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  • Where To Access Western Union Financial Services In Nairobi Kenya

Where To Access Western Union Financial Services In Nairobi Kenya

where to access western union financial services in nairobi kenya


Banking services in Kenya have been growing in popularity quite fast over the past couple of years. This has been occasioned by an increase in the number of banking institutions in Kenyan local market. Kenyans can now easily access banking services in Kenya from wherever they are all over the country. With the advent of mobile banking in Kenya, again people don’t have to transact business in banking halls in Kenya anymore. As a Kenyan account holder, you can simply log on to your bank account, deposit money, transfer money to your phone, and even request for mini-statements on the mobile phone gadgets in Kenya. In that case, therefore, virtually anything that you would accomplish in a banking hall can still be accomplished using your phone today.

Many international money transfer services have since found their way into the Kenyan market. However, the most common of them all are Western Union and MoneyGram in Kenya. If you walk around the streets of Nairobi, you will find that most banks have signs of Western Union and MoneyGram outside the banks. Local money transfer services in Kenya such as RIA which is offered by the Kenya Commercial Bank have also been growing in popularity quite fast in the recent times. It is important to appreciate the fact that, among all of these banking services in Kenya, Western Union is the oldest of them all.

Western Union found its way into the Kenyan market more than one decade ago and still continues to thrive even in the current harsh economic times. This has made accessing Western Union services in Kenya quite simply for many Kenyans and especially those who reside within the city of Nairobi. If you would like to access Western Union Services while in Nairobi, you simply have to visit any local bank with a western union sign. Kenyans should remember to carry their national identification documents. If you have been sent to collect money on behalf of someone sent either from the United States or any other part of the world, there are some details which you have to take with you if you want to withdraw your money. You will require identification card of the person and the pin to access the cash sent from abroad.

Western Union in Kenya is more of an online money transfer services but it is under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Government. Since the security of online money transfer services has not been effected in most parts of the world, you will be required to come with total proof that the money you want to withdraw is deservedly yours. In that case therefore, you ought to make sure that you have all the details right.

What you need in order to withdraw money from western union in Kenya

If you want to withdraw money from western union in Kenya, you will have to come with an MTCN number. This is basically the transaction number. It shows where money was sent from and to whom it was sent through the system that the bank has. Apart from the MTCN number, you will also have to come with your national identity card. This is just to prove that the name appearing on the sender part is the same name that appears on the national identity document. Thirdly, you will have to state an answer to the security question that was asked when the sender was sending money to you. You have to answer the question correctly for you to get access to the money. Thanks to modern day technology advancements in Kenya, you can simply ask the sender to forward snapshots of the transaction page to you via applications such as WhatsApp. Let them forward you all the details regarding MTCN, security question and answer, name of the sender and the name of the recipient so as to make it easier for you to access the money through Western Union in Kenya. Once you have submitted the right answer to the security question, the bank teller in Kenya will ask you how much you are expecting through western union and the name of the sender. This is the last process and thus it has to be easy to go through. After that, you get your money and then leave the banking hall. Using Western Union services in Kenya is therefore not rocket science. If you can follow these guidelines, you will definitely achieve that which you want.

Banks in Nairobi where you can access Western Union Services

There is a plethora of banks in the Nairobi CBD where you can be able to access Western Union Money transfer services. These include KCB Tom Mboya Street, KCB Kencom Branch, Equity Bank Kenya Cinema Branch, National Bank Building and Co-Operative Bank House. The KCB Tom Mboya Branch is located along the Tom Mboya Street in Nairobi downtown area just next to the Kenya National Archives and Mr. Price Tom Mboya. The bank is next to the matatu stage for Eastleigh and Kikuyu.

Kencom KCB Branch is today the headquarters of KCB in Kenya. The branch is located along Moi Avenue near the Hilton Hotel on the lower side and Tumaini House on the upper side of Nairobi. As for the case of Equity bank, Kenya Cinema Branch, you can access these services at Kenya Cinema opposite Gill house along Moi Avenue in Nairobi. Last but not least, the co-operative bank house is located along the Haile Sellasie Avenue in Nairobi, one of the busiest roads within the city.

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Born amidst the bustling economic hub of Nairobi, Kinlark Nafasi's story is deeply rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Kenya's capital. As a young boy, Kinlark's inquisitiveness was piqued by the vibrant business activities around him, from the busy street vendors to the towering corporate offices that painted the city's skyline.

This early intrigue was the catalyst for his academic pursuits at one of Kenya's top universities, where he majored in Business Administration. While in university, Kinlark's natural flair for articulating complex business concepts and trends became evident. His articles, often peppered with astute observations and data-driven insights, caught the attention of not just his professors, but local business periodicals as well.

Upon graduation, Kinlark quickly established himself in the world of business journalism. His deep understanding of the African market dynamics, combined with a global perspective, made his writings invaluable. He covered a wide array of topics, from the challenges faced by startups in Nairobi to the macroeconomic policies shaping the East African community.

Kinlark's articles have since been published in renowned international business journals, earning him a reputation as a leading voice on African business matters. Beyond journalism, he has been instrumental in organizing business forums and conferences, fostering a dialogue between entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.

Today, Kinlark Nafasi continues to chronicle the evolving business landscape of Kenya and Africa as a whole. Through his writings, he endeavors to inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing critical insights to investors and business leaders worldwide.

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