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Cement Industry In Kenya; The Major Cement Companies

cement industry in kenya the major cement companies


Kenya is home to a plethora of cement manufacturing companies.  Perhaps that explains the reason why the real estate and property development industry in Kenya has been growing at a fast pace recently. Cement in Kenya is of great importance in every building project, and that is definitely something that all these cement manufacturers within Kenya have close to their hearts. Cement manufacturing is an aspect that has been in Kenya for quite some time now. Much as some companies only set up base in Kenya recently such as Savanna and Mombasa cement companies, cement industry in Kenya has since been pretty much competitive. Let us now have a look at some of the best cement manufacturing companies in Kenya today;

Bamburi Cement Limited in Kenya

Undoubtedly the most popular cement manufacturing company in Kenya today is Bamburi cement limited which caters for the cement demand in the country. Bamburi Cement Company is actually among the oldest in the cement market in Kenya, and that definitely explains why it has since time immemorial been perched at the top of the list.  Bamburi has got branches in Nairobi, Mombasa and Athi River, but of course the main one is at Bamburi in Mombasa. In Nairobi, Bamburi cement limited has offices on 6th Floor of Kenya Re Towers, P. O. Box 10921 Ragati Rd in Upper Hill. The mataus to the offices in Nairobi are boarded Kencom area in Nairobi.

Rhino Cement Foundation in Kenya

Much as Rhino cement in Kenya is newer in the Kenya cement industry, its market share has been growing at a fast pace in the recent times. Rhino Cement company sells its cement all across Kenya and beyond. Rhino Cement Company is located within the Athi River Mining Premises.

East African Portland Cement Company in Kenya

There is really no doubt that East African Portland Cement Company (EAPCC) is the second largest cement manufacturer in Kenya.  The East African Portland Cement Company is based in Athi River near Nairobi, and it serves a considerable market segment in Kenya. Most of the company products are used by the high end players in the real estate and property development industry in Kenya. This is because of the high degree of quality of cement of East African Portland Cement Company.  If you want to buy cement that will offer you the best service and ensure you build structures that will last, this is the company you need to count on in Kenya. East African Portland Cement Company (EAPCC) is located on your Way to Kitengela off the Nairobi Mombasa Road in Nairobi Kenya.

Athi River Mining Limited in Kenya

Just as the name implies, Athi River Mining Limited  is the most popular cement manufacturer in Kenya. Athi River Mining Limited is located in Athi River region of Machakos County in Kenya. Apparently, more than 90% of all cement manufacturers in Kenya today are located within Machakos County and mainly in Athi River.  With a cement ready market in Nairobi and Machakos among many other adjacent towns in Kenya, there is really no doubt that cement companies in this part of Kenya will always continue to flourish.

Savanna Cement in Kenya

Last but least, Savanna cement also fits the classification of the best cements manufacturers in Kenya.  Savanna Cement in Kenya was incorporated less than two years ago, and it is increasingly getting popular not just in Athi River but also in other parts of Kenya. Savanna Cement in Kenya is located in Kitengela. The cement company in Kenya has an increasing market share in Machakos and Nairobi. The ideal location of Savanna Cement company makes it much easier to access raw materials and manpower in Machakos region of Kenya.

There is no doubt that the cement industry in Kenya is going to grow at a fast pace in the coming days or years.

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Born amidst the bustling economic hub of Nairobi, Kinlark Nafasi's story is deeply rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Kenya's capital. As a young boy, Kinlark's inquisitiveness was piqued by the vibrant business activities around him, from the busy street vendors to the towering corporate offices that painted the city's skyline.

This early intrigue was the catalyst for his academic pursuits at one of Kenya's top universities, where he majored in Business Administration. While in university, Kinlark's natural flair for articulating complex business concepts and trends became evident. His articles, often peppered with astute observations and data-driven insights, caught the attention of not just his professors, but local business periodicals as well.

Upon graduation, Kinlark quickly established himself in the world of business journalism. His deep understanding of the African market dynamics, combined with a global perspective, made his writings invaluable. He covered a wide array of topics, from the challenges faced by startups in Nairobi to the macroeconomic policies shaping the East African community.

Kinlark's articles have since been published in renowned international business journals, earning him a reputation as a leading voice on African business matters. Beyond journalism, he has been instrumental in organizing business forums and conferences, fostering a dialogue between entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.

Today, Kinlark Nafasi continues to chronicle the evolving business landscape of Kenya and Africa as a whole. Through his writings, he endeavors to inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing critical insights to investors and business leaders worldwide.

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