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Forget About Chicken! Quail Farming in Kenya is the Way to go!

54 forget about chicken quail farming in kenya is the way to go


Forget About Chicken! Quail Farming in Kenya is the Way to go!

by vicky Tsiluma

083b7d4801​If you have a few shillings in your pocket, you have probably thought of ways to double your money. Breeding chicken, once a very lucrative business, has unfortunately turned into a farmer’s nightmare due to the high cost of chicken feed. Prices on all commodities continue to rise up and salaries continue to remain the same. Kenyan youths looking to chicken farming as a solution have been largely disappointed. What if you could engage in a business that provides better yields, tastier eggs and meat, and higher earnings than what you would get from chicken?

Quail have been a part of the echo system since the beginning. Mature quails weigh up to half a kilogram and yet they cost from shillings 500 when sold. A 55g chicken egg goes for eleven shillings while a ten gram quail egg goes for twenty shillings. The nutritional value of quail eggs surpasses that of chicken eggs. In fact, it has larger amounts of Vitamins B complex, E and K. quail are kept in the same way you would chicken. They can be situated in a barn or left in a farm as free range. Yes, they are birds but they do not like to fly. After all, they built their nests on grass!

It takes about 17-18 days for a quail chick to hatch. What is more, the hatched chick will be ready to start producing ends within a two-month period. This means that while you wait for a hen to mature, you will have already benefited from quail three times, not counting the eggs the second and third batch of quail will give you. The trick is to keep on top of your research. Quail are classified as wild animals and there are different types. You need a license to keep them. Relax this will only cost you five hundred shillings from KWS.

KWS has rich information where quail farming is concerned. This includes the best breeds and where to find farmers and eggs. Once you get your license, build your ban and stock up on chicken feed, it is time to get your birds. Remember to get feeders and water containers. Make sure the water containers are small in size to prevent drowning of young quail. Quails eat only 20g to a chicken’s 150g of food each day. This is another reason they trump chicken. One more reason to invest in quail farming is that they scarcely become sick. You do not need to constantly supervise them once they are fed. All you need is to find ways to expand your barn as they multiple.

A good tip is to invest in an incubator. Quail as already stated are wild animals. When it comes to egg hatching, they do not do as well when they are in enclosed spaces. An incubator will greatly increase your yield and profits. Did I mention that quail meat and eggs taste better than that of chicken? Yep! Quail farming is the way to go!

Article source: https://www.zakenya.com/Business/54-Forget-About-Chicken-Quail-Farming-in-Kenya-is-the-Way-to-go.html


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Born amidst the bustling economic hub of Nairobi, Kinlark Nafasi's story is deeply rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Kenya's capital. As a young boy, Kinlark's inquisitiveness was piqued by the vibrant business activities around him, from the busy street vendors to the towering corporate offices that painted the city's skyline.

This early intrigue was the catalyst for his academic pursuits at one of Kenya's top universities, where he majored in Business Administration. While in university, Kinlark's natural flair for articulating complex business concepts and trends became evident. His articles, often peppered with astute observations and data-driven insights, caught the attention of not just his professors, but local business periodicals as well.

Upon graduation, Kinlark quickly established himself in the world of business journalism. His deep understanding of the African market dynamics, combined with a global perspective, made his writings invaluable. He covered a wide array of topics, from the challenges faced by startups in Nairobi to the macroeconomic policies shaping the East African community.

Kinlark's articles have since been published in renowned international business journals, earning him a reputation as a leading voice on African business matters. Beyond journalism, he has been instrumental in organizing business forums and conferences, fostering a dialogue between entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.

Today, Kinlark Nafasi continues to chronicle the evolving business landscape of Kenya and Africa as a whole. Through his writings, he endeavors to inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing critical insights to investors and business leaders worldwide.

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