22 threat on kenyan banks



by Barnabas Muthini

Why the banking industry in Kenya may be forced to freeze some of their vital functions in future!!


9f203de504Innovation has been fore front in economic stimulation in all parts of the world. Many companies have been working day and night to ensure that new innovations keep on flowing in their way to maintain their strategic focus. It has been proved that for a company to remain competitive it has to put innovation as a core activity/business.

The latest innovation which has put Kenya in the limelight is the M-PESA business. Many economic analysts has viewed M-pesa as enhancing Kenya’s economic muscles due to many advantages it has posed to Kenyan citizen, from security of sending money to curbing unemployment disaster. M-pesa is proving to enhance our love as Kenyans through sharing our fortune in times of disaster #westgate tragedy where Kenyans raised more than 90,000 kshs within four days.

Many small businesses are now forced to incorporate their business with an m-pesa unit, from the small shop to mega super markets regardless of the geographic limitations.

This move by many businesses is slowly taking banks function since their customers can now withdraw cash and have their shopping at the same place as opposed to double queuing in banks and shopping centers. This will encourage many people to have their savings in m-pesa in order to enjoy its incredible advantages.

m-pesa business has also been established in rural areas were banks have never been ventured enhance tapping the untapped banks opportunities. This move by m-pesa will force banks to freeze some of their main functions.

By Barnabas Muthini


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Born amidst the bustling economic hub of Nairobi, Kinlark Nafasi's story is deeply rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Kenya's capital. As a young boy, Kinlark's inquisitiveness was piqued by the vibrant business activities around him, from the busy street vendors to the towering corporate offices that painted the city's skyline.

This early intrigue was the catalyst for his academic pursuits at one of Kenya's top universities, where he majored in Business Administration. While in university, Kinlark's natural flair for articulating complex business concepts and trends became evident. His articles, often peppered with astute observations and data-driven insights, caught the attention of not just his professors, but local business periodicals as well.

Upon graduation, Kinlark quickly established himself in the world of business journalism. His deep understanding of the African market dynamics, combined with a global perspective, made his writings invaluable. He covered a wide array of topics, from the challenges faced by startups in Nairobi to the macroeconomic policies shaping the East African community.

Kinlark's articles have since been published in renowned international business journals, earning him a reputation as a leading voice on African business matters. Beyond journalism, he has been instrumental in organizing business forums and conferences, fostering a dialogue between entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.

Today, Kinlark Nafasi continues to chronicle the evolving business landscape of Kenya and Africa as a whole. Through his writings, he endeavors to inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing critical insights to investors and business leaders worldwide.

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