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Reasons Why Tradition,Cultures and Languages Are Fading In Kenya

reasons why tradition cultures and languages are fading in kenya


Serious matter should be kept in mind and in consideration is the rate at which traditional cultures and languages of the Kenyan people are fading away slowly as time goes by. It will reach a point in people’s lives where one wouldn’t even remember to say a word or even a sentence in traditional language if we don’t consider this matter.

Day by day the young are introduced to foreign languages first like English and others to French and German compared to the old days where the first language one knew was their own traditional languages. Currently people are adapting to western cultures and forgetting, leaving behind what people term as “the mother language”.

During the late 19’s schools used to teach mother languages up to a certain leave of education making sure that at least each and every child knows his or her own mother language first. Due to the adaptation of the western system of living by most Kenyans, this has led to most parents and guardians teaching their sons and daughters English as their first language

It is such a disappointment that traditional cultures and languages are being thrown away like that. Schools also have now stopped teaching traditional languages and opted for English and Kiswahili others to an extend of introducing other foreign languages like French. Currently one can be able to get a survey or statistics about how many young people know their mother language. Traditions are about respecting and valuing them to a greater extend.

Traditional languages are currently going to become extinct. Looking at the situation after about 50-100 years from now only a few or even none would be remembering his or her own “mother language”.

As Kenyans we should consider keeping our cultures and languages still intact among us as much as we are adapting to the changes in this world. It’s something that is of great value to all of us. Let’s not make it historic but rather let traditional cultures and languages be part of us throughout our lives from generation to generation.

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Born in the vibrant heart of Nairobi, Kenya, Wa Kimani was always destined to stand out. From the colorful markets of her hometown to the world's most sophisticated art galleries and fashion runways, her journey has been one of relentless passion and unique insights into the world of fashion and art.

From an early age, Wa's love for patterns, textures, and colors was evident. As she grew, so did her inclination towards integrating traditional Kenyan elements into modern designs. Her family often recalled her incessant sketching and her knack for turning ordinary fabrics into extraordinary ensembles.

Wa's academic pursuits led her to one of Kenya's esteemed universities, where she majored in Fine Arts with a focus on contemporary African fashion. During her years in academia, she frequently contributed articles to local magazines, always stressing the symbiotic relationship between art and fashion.

After graduating, Wa ventured into the fashion journalism scene. She quickly gained recognition as an authoritative voice, blending her keen aesthetic eye with a profound understanding of Kenya's rich artistic heritage. Her articles, deeply rooted in both tradition and modernity, have since graced the pages of international fashion and art journals.

Today, Wa Kimani is celebrated not only as an accomplished writer but also as an advocate for the fusion of traditional African art with contemporary fashion. Through her writings and collaborations with designers and artists alike, she continually strives to showcase the beauty and depth of Kenyan culture to the global audience.

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