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  • List of Registered Tea Manufacturers in Kenya.

List of Registered Tea Manufacturers in Kenya.

list of registered tea manufacturers in kenya


Tea is the main cash crop grown in Kenya and earns the country a lot of money. There are various factories in Kenya that supply Kenya with tea for both local use and foreign exchange. These factories are registered by Tea Board of Kenya.

Therefore the registered tea factories in Kenya include:

  • Arroket factory – Sotik Tea Company limited.

  • Chagaik factory – UTK limited.

  • Changana factory – JFK limited.

  • Changoi tea factory – WTK limited.

  • Chebut tea Factory Company limited.

  • Chelal tea.

  • Chemoni factory – EPK limited.

  • Chinga tea Factory Company limited.

  • Chemogonday factory – JFK limited.

  • Eastern produce Kenya limited.

  • Eberege tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gacharage tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gachege tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gathuthi tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gatitu tea factory.

  • Gatunguru tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gianchore tea Factory Company limited.

  • Githambo tea Factory Company limited.

  • Githongo tea Factory Company limited.

  • Gitugi tea Factory Company limited.

  • Igembe tea Factory Company limited.

  • Ikumbi tea Factory Company limited.

  • Imenti tea Factory Company limited.

  • Iriani tea Factory Company limited.

  • Itumbe tea Factory Company limited.

  • James Finlay (Kenya) limited.

  • Jamji factory – UTK limited.

  • Kagwe tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kaimosi tea Factory Company limited – WTK limited.

  • Kaisugu tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kambaa tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kangaita tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kanyenyaini tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kapchebet tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kapcheluch tea factory limited.

  • Kapchorua Tea Company limited.

  • Kapkatet Tea Company limited.

  • Kapkoros tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kapsara tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kapset tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kapsumbeiwa factory – EPK limited.

  • Kaptumo tea Factory Company limited.

  • Karirana estates limited.

  • Kathangariri tea Factory Company limited.

  • Williamson tea Kenya limited.

  • Weru tea Factory Company limited.

  • Unilever tea factory limited.

  • Toror tea Factory Company limited.

  • Tombe tea Factory Company limited.

  • Tirgaga tea Factory Company limited.

  • Tinderet tea estate (1989) limited _ WTK limited.

  • Kebirigo tea Factory Company limited.

  • Kericho factory – UTK limited.

  • Kibwar limited.

  • Kiptagich tea estate limited.

  • Mara Mara instant – JFK limited.

  • Mudete tea Factory Company limited.

  • Nandi tea estates – Nandi hills.

  • Nyayo tea zones development corporations.

  • Nyankoba tea Factory Company limited.

About the Author

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Hailing from the fertile highlands of central Kenya, Wamugunda-Anne's life has always been intertwined with the land. Born into a family of farmers, her earliest memories are of verdant fields, changing seasons, and the rhythm of nature. These formative experiences would later shape her academic and professional pursuits.

Wamugunda-Anne's passion for agriculture was not just about the practice but understanding its deeper implications — the sociological, environmental, and economic intricacies of farming in Kenya. This passion drove her to one of Kenya's prestigious universities, where she pursued a degree in Agricultural Sciences. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her insightful articles on sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the balance between modern techniques and traditional Kenyan agricultural wisdom.

After university, Wamugunda-Anne transitioned into a full-time career in agricultural journalism. Her works have since been published in numerous national and international journals. Beyond just writing, she has played a pivotal role in shaping agricultural policies in Kenya by collaborating with policymakers, researchers, and local farmers. Her articles often focus on the challenges faced by Kenyan farmers, sustainable agricultural practices, and innovative solutions to boost food security in the region.

Today, Wamugunda-Anne stands as a beacon of inspiration in Kenyan agricultural circles. With every article she writes, she hopes to enlighten, inspire, and pave the way for a sustainable agricultural future for Kenya and the African continent at large.

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