Mistakes Made By Kenyan Writers

mistakes made by kenyan writers



Many Kenyan writers are encountering a lot of problems in their daily lives as they cannot write to the international standards required for good essay writing. It is therefore important that one puts into consideration number of factors that will be essential in delivering high quality essays. The following mistakes are more frequent with Kenyan writers


A lot of writers cannot deliver articles that are original. Most of them will end up copy pasting information directly from the internet and later deliver and send them as work samples. The trend is largely growing in the number of writing essays submitted making more companies to avoid hiring and working with Kenyans. A person willing to make more money should deliver quality and original work.

Lack of Proof Reading

Kenyan writers will always write and forward essays directly without checking the possibility of having mistakes in them. The trend is making them become rated as poor writers once the company verifies that many of them have poorly written English that contains a lot of grammatical erros.It is advisable for one to be careful when dealing with such transactions to avoid being victim ad having their essays rejected by clients.

Poor Citation Skills

Many Kenyans do not know about the various styles of citing essays. They just end up forwarding work without reference and most of the essays have not been cited by any of the four major styles namely apa,mla,Chicago and Harvard. The writers should visit the site purdueowl.com to know about the various ways of citing essays.

Lack of creativity

Writers of Kenya cannot be creative on what ways they can do in order to have quality work that shows a lot of creativity on their side. Most will often write essays that are too plain and lack originality hence making the procedure to be different and without content. Writers should read more novels and look for ways of enhancing their levels of creativity.

About the Author

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Emerging from the scenic landscapes of Kericho, with its verdant tea fields, James Ndetto's roots may seem a world apart from the bustling urban centers where communication theories are fervently discussed. Yet, it was here, amidst community gatherings and local stories, that James first understood the power of effective communication.

His curiosity took him to one of Kenya's premier universities, where he pursued a degree in Communication Studies. James' academic journey was marked by a desire to merge traditional African communication methods with modern theories and technologies, aiming to bridge the past with the present.

Post-graduation, James channeled his passion and expertise into writing. He began penning articles that provided deep insights into the evolving world of communication, especially as it pertained to the Kenyan context. His work touched upon diverse themes, from interpersonal communication in Kenyan communities to the transformative power of digital platforms in Africa.

James Ndetto's writings quickly resonated with readers across the continent. His unique perspective, which balanced academic rigor with relatable anecdotes, made him a favored voice in the realm of communication studies.

Beyond his written endeavors, James has taken on roles in academia, teaching courses on communication at notable Kenyan institutions. He has also been an active participant in international conferences, representing Kenya and contributing to global dialogues on the future of communication.

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