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The Ecological Footprint Of Kenya.

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The Ecological Footprint of an individual is obtained by looking at all of the biological materials consumed, and all of the biological waste that is removed or given out by that person in a given year. The Most Harmful Consumer Activities in Kenya include;

Small motor vehicles: the use of motor vehicle causes more environmental degradation because these vehicles emit a lot of toxic fumes from the combustion of fossil fuels which in this case is the fuel. Motor vehicles have been said to be one of the major environmental pollutants in the whole world.

Beef farming and poultry: the production of poultry and beef farming on ranches requires a lot of water and land so as to produce the commonly used products in Kenya. A lot of the country’s land is put to these activities that normally lead to excessive environmental degradation. Red meat is also not healthy for excessive consumption.

Growing vegetables, crops and most fruits like strawberries uses a lot of water for irrigation so that the need of Kenyan consumers who form a ready market can be satisfied. The growing of all these crops also requires application of fertilizers to improve on productivity and these fertilizers are also pollutants. A substantial piece of the country’s land is also utilized.

The use of fossil fuels in rural Kenya among people who cannot afford the use of cleaner sources of energy is also on the increase in Kenya. The fossil fuels have been proved to really increase the amounts of pollution especially in third world countries like Kenya. This is a consumer related problem that has proven difficult to handle.

Heating homes and air conditioning in big offices has a major impact on the global warming effect because some gases released trap heat from leaving the surface of the earth. Setting up of settlements also leads to the destruction of ecosystems of wildlife through clearing of forested areas for settlement.

Sewage from homes and wastes: sewage from home majorly contributes to water pollution in Kenya because of leaking pipes and poor treatment of the sewage. This mainly affects urban areas where the sanitation services are poor because of congestion.

About the Author

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Born in the vibrant heart of Nairobi, Kenya, Wa Kimani was always destined to stand out. From the colorful markets of her hometown to the world's most sophisticated art galleries and fashion runways, her journey has been one of relentless passion and unique insights into the world of fashion and art.

From an early age, Wa's love for patterns, textures, and colors was evident. As she grew, so did her inclination towards integrating traditional Kenyan elements into modern designs. Her family often recalled her incessant sketching and her knack for turning ordinary fabrics into extraordinary ensembles.

Wa's academic pursuits led her to one of Kenya's esteemed universities, where she majored in Fine Arts with a focus on contemporary African fashion. During her years in academia, she frequently contributed articles to local magazines, always stressing the symbiotic relationship between art and fashion.

After graduating, Wa ventured into the fashion journalism scene. She quickly gained recognition as an authoritative voice, blending her keen aesthetic eye with a profound understanding of Kenya's rich artistic heritage. Her articles, deeply rooted in both tradition and modernity, have since graced the pages of international fashion and art journals.

Today, Wa Kimani is celebrated not only as an accomplished writer but also as an advocate for the fusion of traditional African art with contemporary fashion. Through her writings and collaborations with designers and artists alike, she continually strives to showcase the beauty and depth of Kenyan culture to the global audience.

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