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Rules and regulations of Nairobi City Council

rules and regulations of nairobi city council 1


Nairobi City Council has rules which ensure smooth running of the city in kenya; anyone found violating the city council law is fined. Some of the bylaws of the Nairobi city council include; making noise in the public which cause destruction and nuisance, construction or destruction which can poses risk to the citizens, inadequate fencing of the land which causes risk or leaving things on the ground which may cause harm to human.

Blocking a free passage or destroying Public Street willfully, misuse of councils property, cutting tree(s) without a councils permit is an offence, playing any game in the city; be it driving game, riding game or propelling game is illegal. One should not write signs on buildings or any act of defacing the building. Careless depositing of waste in the streets is prohibited by the city council.

It is illegal to operate any prostitution related business in the city, spitting carelessly or blowing the nose aimlessly without use of tissue or handkerchief is prohibited. Behavioral actions which lower the normal decency are prohibited, defecating and urinating on the streets or a public place is illegal. One should not keep poultry or animals which cause nuisance to the neighbors.

Vehicles should only be washed and repaired in designated areas except in cases of emergency, public vehicles should not tout passengers, overloading of vehicles is illegal, failing to observe traffic rules including traffic lights and zebra crossings is an offence. Cut trees which causes passage of vehicles or cause danger is an offence.

All commercialized poultry should be inspected, all the houses in Nairobi should be renovated through painting and repairs annually, all the tree hedges should be trimmed, chopped or removed for the safety of the citizens. All the landlords should ensure that the buildings are in good condition and frontage of the buildings kept clean. The landlords should install security lights in front of their buildings

One is prohibited from reserving parking space without city councils authority, packing without payment is illegal and parking in a city council garden is violation of the law. Directing a driver in to and out of a parking space or even by signaling is illegal. Placing adverts and doing business in the parking space is illegal.

Destroying a vehicles clamp or attempting to remove is illegal, clamping is caused by failure to pay the parking fee, any clamped vehicle must pay clamping fee to city council, city council will not be responsible incase of damages caused to your vehicle during clamping, obstruction of city council’s officers from enforcing these by laws is an offense. When your vehicle knocks an electricity post you should pay for restoration fees.

Nonpayment of city councils fee within sixty days will lead to disposal of the vehicle through public auction. The parking ticket should be placed in front of the wind screen for a clear display. Those willing to run private parking must register with the city council to obtain the permit. Parking is free on public holidays, Saturdays from 2pm and Sundays.

About the Author

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Born in the vibrant heart of Nairobi, Kenya, Wa Kimani was always destined to stand out. From the colorful markets of her hometown to the world's most sophisticated art galleries and fashion runways, her journey has been one of relentless passion and unique insights into the world of fashion and art.

From an early age, Wa's love for patterns, textures, and colors was evident. As she grew, so did her inclination towards integrating traditional Kenyan elements into modern designs. Her family often recalled her incessant sketching and her knack for turning ordinary fabrics into extraordinary ensembles.

Wa's academic pursuits led her to one of Kenya's esteemed universities, where she majored in Fine Arts with a focus on contemporary African fashion. During her years in academia, she frequently contributed articles to local magazines, always stressing the symbiotic relationship between art and fashion.

After graduating, Wa ventured into the fashion journalism scene. She quickly gained recognition as an authoritative voice, blending her keen aesthetic eye with a profound understanding of Kenya's rich artistic heritage. Her articles, deeply rooted in both tradition and modernity, have since graced the pages of international fashion and art journals.

Today, Wa Kimani is celebrated not only as an accomplished writer but also as an advocate for the fusion of traditional African art with contemporary fashion. Through her writings and collaborations with designers and artists alike, she continually strives to showcase the beauty and depth of Kenyan culture to the global audience.

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