Diverse Ethnic Groups In Kenya

diverse ethnic groups in kenya


Kenya has a very diverse population that includes most major ethnic, racial and linguistic groups. Majority of the country’s population belongs to various Bantu sub-groups, with a significant number of Nilotes. Most Bantu’s are farmers and some prominent in Kenya include the Kikuyu, Luhya, Meru, Mjikenda, Swahili and Kisii people. Nilotes are second largest group in Kenya and they include the luos, Samburu, Maasai, Kalenjin and the Turkana people.

Cushitic people foam a small ethnic minority of about 2%, mostly represented by Oromo Somali speakers. In Kenya Swahili and English are official language in the various ethnic group. They are an entrepreneurial community and have establish themselves in business sectors, particularly in Eastleigh.

In Kenya we have nearly a total of 69 individual languages spoken in Kenya. The Kenya’s diversity is such that its largest ethnic group is the kikuyu making up for less than fifth of the country population. Kenya politics have been characterized by ethnic tensions and rivalry between the larger groups, devolving into ethic violence experienced in the 2007 -2008 Kenya crisis across.

In the recent Kenya census the figure below shows ethnic composition in Kenya as follows out of a total population of 38.6 million;

  • Kikuyu 20%

  • Luhya 14%

  • Kalenjin 13%

  • Luo 10%

  • Kamba 10%

  • Kisii 6%

  • Mjikenda 5%

  • Meru 4%

  • Turkana 2.5%

  • Maasai 2.1%

Around 9% of the population consists of smaller groups numbering 1% each while non-Africans groups Arabs, Indians and Europeans are estimated to total about 1%

About the Author

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Emerging from the scenic landscapes of Kericho, with its verdant tea fields, James Ndetto's roots may seem a world apart from the bustling urban centers where communication theories are fervently discussed. Yet, it was here, amidst community gatherings and local stories, that James first understood the power of effective communication.

His curiosity took him to one of Kenya's premier universities, where he pursued a degree in Communication Studies. James' academic journey was marked by a desire to merge traditional African communication methods with modern theories and technologies, aiming to bridge the past with the present.

Post-graduation, James channeled his passion and expertise into writing. He began penning articles that provided deep insights into the evolving world of communication, especially as it pertained to the Kenyan context. His work touched upon diverse themes, from interpersonal communication in Kenyan communities to the transformative power of digital platforms in Africa.

James Ndetto's writings quickly resonated with readers across the continent. His unique perspective, which balanced academic rigor with relatable anecdotes, made him a favored voice in the realm of communication studies.

Beyond his written endeavors, James has taken on roles in academia, teaching courses on communication at notable Kenyan institutions. He has also been an active participant in international conferences, representing Kenya and contributing to global dialogues on the future of communication.

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