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How To Start a Profitable Poultry Farming in Kenya.

how to start a profitable poultry farming in kenya


Poultry farming in Kenya is becoming one of the most profitable businesses in Kenya due to demand of chicken by big hotels and restaurants. This makes the poultry farming an important sector in agriculture industry in Kenya because it creates employment to those Kenyans who are in search of job opportunity, it forms a business platform for entrepreneurs, it brings income to the person involved in this kind of farming and finally this is a type of business that dry up in case it is well managed. He above profits can only be realized by the person who engages in poultry farming in Kenya.

For one to start poultry farming, he/she needs to know the types of chicken kept in Kenya. Basically, three are three types of chicken in Kenya;

  • The Pullets – this is commonly known as Layers. This are reared for egg production in Kenya but are more stressing to rear as compared to other types of chicken.

  • The broiler chicken – this type of chicken is reared for meat production in Kenya. These chickens grow faster and are usually ready for market after approximately 3 months.

  • Cockerel – this is the third type of chicken reared in Kenya. They grow slower and are ready for market after about six months. They more reliable than other types of chicken because they can withstand harsh environment. And absorbs all kind of shocks.

Poultry farming requires a lot of dedication from the farmer. You only require little amount of money and small scale farming is more preferable before venturing to large scale farming. You need to sit down and make calculation of the entire business. Once you have capital to big with, find a piece of land for setting up the poultry house. Rural is the best place if you have no piece of land because it is much cheaper there. A plot of 120 by 60 square meters is much better okay.

The next step is to build chicken cage. You should ensure it is spacious and well ventilated to avoid suffocation of chicken. Buy external source of heat for the chicks. Once you have the cage, go and buy one day old chick from any recognized hatchery. When you have purchased the chicks, you need to keep checking them at least five times a day for first couple of days.

The other routine management you need to remember includes:

  • Keep the chicks warm at all times. And light must be on throughout the day (24 hours).

  • Proper protection of chicks from pets, predators or children from home.

  • Ensure that you seek advice from experts on the types of feeds to be given as they are growing because they need to change according the ages.

  • The feds should always be kept clean to avoid infections.

  • The chicken cage should be kept clean every day.


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Hailing from the fertile highlands of central Kenya, Wamugunda-Anne's life has always been intertwined with the land. Born into a family of farmers, her earliest memories are of verdant fields, changing seasons, and the rhythm of nature. These formative experiences would later shape her academic and professional pursuits.

Wamugunda-Anne's passion for agriculture was not just about the practice but understanding its deeper implications — the sociological, environmental, and economic intricacies of farming in Kenya. This passion drove her to one of Kenya's prestigious universities, where she pursued a degree in Agricultural Sciences. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her insightful articles on sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the balance between modern techniques and traditional Kenyan agricultural wisdom.

After university, Wamugunda-Anne transitioned into a full-time career in agricultural journalism. Her works have since been published in numerous national and international journals. Beyond just writing, she has played a pivotal role in shaping agricultural policies in Kenya by collaborating with policymakers, researchers, and local farmers. Her articles often focus on the challenges faced by Kenyan farmers, sustainable agricultural practices, and innovative solutions to boost food security in the region.

Today, Wamugunda-Anne stands as a beacon of inspiration in Kenyan agricultural circles. With every article she writes, she hopes to enlighten, inspire, and pave the way for a sustainable agricultural future for Kenya and the African continent at large.

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