Carrots Farming In Kenya

carrots farming in kenya


Carrots are gaining demand each and every day in the Kenyan market. It is important therefore for farmers to venture into the project and gain much from the farming of carrots. The following set of information provides the detailed information about carrot growth.


They can be grouped as fresh market for example the chantenary and nantes .Oxhart is another major variety that is grown mainly for the feeding of livestock.

Ecological Requirements

It does well in a wide range of attitudes from 0-2900m above sea level. Requires cool temperatures to warm as very high  temperatures may result in the production of pale and short roots. They do well in places that have adequate moisture with a rainfall of about 750-1000mm that is well distributed throughout the year. Deep fine tilth and well drained soils free from obstacles.

Land Preparation

Seed bed should be well dug to a depth of about 20cm.Soil clodes should then be broken to give a very fine tilth.Manure should not  be applied as it it induces forking and that reduxes the quality of the crop.

Field management practices

The following are the major practices that take place in the carrot plantations

  • Thinning

  • Weeding

  • Topdressing

  • Control of pests

Harvesting and marketing

Carrots are mainly ready to be consumed after three to five months after planting is done. Harvested by simply lifting the plants out of the ground surface. It is used as a vegetable for flavoring foods.


About the Author

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Hailing from the fertile highlands of central Kenya, Wamugunda-Anne's life has always been intertwined with the land. Born into a family of farmers, her earliest memories are of verdant fields, changing seasons, and the rhythm of nature. These formative experiences would later shape her academic and professional pursuits.

Wamugunda-Anne's passion for agriculture was not just about the practice but understanding its deeper implications — the sociological, environmental, and economic intricacies of farming in Kenya. This passion drove her to one of Kenya's prestigious universities, where she pursued a degree in Agricultural Sciences. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her insightful articles on sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the balance between modern techniques and traditional Kenyan agricultural wisdom.

After university, Wamugunda-Anne transitioned into a full-time career in agricultural journalism. Her works have since been published in numerous national and international journals. Beyond just writing, she has played a pivotal role in shaping agricultural policies in Kenya by collaborating with policymakers, researchers, and local farmers. Her articles often focus on the challenges faced by Kenyan farmers, sustainable agricultural practices, and innovative solutions to boost food security in the region.

Today, Wamugunda-Anne stands as a beacon of inspiration in Kenyan agricultural circles. With every article she writes, she hopes to enlighten, inspire, and pave the way for a sustainable agricultural future for Kenya and the African continent at large.

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