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Featured Projects of Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA) in Kenya: What IPA does in Kenya.

featured projects of innovation for poverty action ipa in kenya what ipa does in kenya


Innovation for poverty action (IPA) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Kenya which opened its branch here in Kenya in 2006. This non-governmental organisation has branches over 40 countries worldwide. Its main aim in Kenya is addressing developmental needs. They have a branch in Nairobi and Kisumu.

The areas of operation for IPA (innovation for poverty action) in Kenya are;

  • Western region of Kenya (the former western province).
  • Nyanza region of Kenya (the former Nyanza province).
  • Central region of Kenya (the former Central province).
  • Nairobi region of Kenya.

The featured projects of IPA in Kenya in all regions are seven and they include;

  • WASH benefits project.

The main purpose of this project in Kenya is that it aims to ensure that children who are under two years of age have safe drinking water, improved sanitation and are in good hygienic condition.

  • Kenya life panel survey project.

IPA developed this project in Kenya in order to ascertain the relationship between childhood health education with other parameters such as poverty, labor market participation, fertility and many other life outcomes.

  • Multiple use water system project.

The purpose of this project of IPA is to ascertain the ownership of plastic tanks by people and their understanding of quality and quantity of water while at home and if there are constrains in meeting new water technology especially to farmers.

  • Fertilizer project.

This project tries to examine the barriers faced by farmers in Kenya in fertilizer usage and later then finds solutions (innovative ways) to solve of overcoming those barriers.

  • HIV and education project.

Since HIV/AIDS is among the killer disease in Kenya, IPA through this project strives to find effective ways of preventing the spread of this disease.

  • Financial access impact assessment project.

This project is meant to evaluate the effect of people’s personal saving accounts and also those who take small loans to invest in business.

  • Urban micro-insurance project.

This project is being applied in Nairobi city to evaluate the impact of micro-insurance to those people in the jua kali sector.

To achieve their goals in Kenya, IPA usually comes up with new innovative solutions based on the problems identified through research. They then implement the new programmes and monitor them. If they project succeed, IPA will then advocate for it and involves all stakeholders from Kenya.

To ensure that they achieve their mission in Kenya, IPA usually collaborates with other partners in Kenya such as;

  • Kenya governmental ministries.
  • Universities in Kenya.
  • Schools in Kenya (both primary and secondary).
  • Private companies in Kenya.
  • Financial institution (banks).
  • Other non-governmental organizations.

For more information, contact them;

Email: [email protected]

Website address: www.poverty-action.org

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