Child Adoption Process In Kenya

child adoption process in kenya


In the society, many people men and women get married in particular period as many are invited in wedding every single day. The aim of the marriages being to be able to begin their own families and continue the generations in life. After the wedding and celebration, unfortunately many of the married are unable to reproduce or give birth to children due to various reasons which are varied from couple to couple. This make the couple unable to have children of their own and thereby in certain societies criticized for this reason.

However, several agencies and institutions have come to the rescue of these criticized couples due to lack of children in the society with the adoption option. In this option, the couple can adopt a children and bring them up as their own but knowing that they are not theirs. For the adoption therefore, the couple have to follow some procedures and meet some requirements for the adoption procedure and process to be a success. Agencies therefore after the couple has met all the procedures, they ensure they match them with gorgeous children who they should cherish and care for all their lives as they would do to their own children.

Adoption Requirements

For any adoption, the High Court and the Children’s department are solely responsible for issuing adoption orders which are involved and dictate all the rules to be followed in the adoption process. The interested couples should take a formal application to the High Court and the child identity been confidential and they should have prior ensured that the child is declared free for adoption by the responsible adoption society.

After the application for adoption to the High Court, the Couple or one of the spouses should meet the requirements ruled out for adoption and include;

  • The person seeking adoption should have attained an age of 25 years and should be 21 years older than the child but at the same time has not attained an age of 65 years, is a relative of the child or the father or mother of the child.

  • Adoption orders will not be granted to a male applicant who seek to adopt a female child, a female applicant seeking to adopt a male child, a spouse or joint applicants who have attained the age of 65 years, an applicant who is not of sound mind, a homosexual, is a sole foreign male or female applicant as well as anyone who has been charged and convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction for any offences.

  • All the adoption applications should be accompanied by written consent in respect of every child declared free for adoption by the Children’s society. The consents involved should ensure that they are up-to-date and should be: – a consent of every person who is parent or a guardian of the child or who is liable by virtue of any order or agreement to contribute to the maintenance of the child, in case the child was born out of wedlock whose mother is a child, the consent of the parents or guardians of the mother of the child should be presented or in case of the two spouses who are not Kenyan citizens and who are not residents in Kenya, with the consent of the court of competent jurisdiction or of a government authority situated in the country where both or one of the spouses is ordinary resident should also be issued.




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Emerging from the scenic landscapes of Kericho, with its verdant tea fields, James Ndetto's roots may seem a world apart from the bustling urban centers where communication theories are fervently discussed. Yet, it was here, amidst community gatherings and local stories, that James first understood the power of effective communication.

His curiosity took him to one of Kenya's premier universities, where he pursued a degree in Communication Studies. James' academic journey was marked by a desire to merge traditional African communication methods with modern theories and technologies, aiming to bridge the past with the present.

Post-graduation, James channeled his passion and expertise into writing. He began penning articles that provided deep insights into the evolving world of communication, especially as it pertained to the Kenyan context. His work touched upon diverse themes, from interpersonal communication in Kenyan communities to the transformative power of digital platforms in Africa.

James Ndetto's writings quickly resonated with readers across the continent. His unique perspective, which balanced academic rigor with relatable anecdotes, made him a favored voice in the realm of communication studies.

Beyond his written endeavors, James has taken on roles in academia, teaching courses on communication at notable Kenyan institutions. He has also been an active participant in international conferences, representing Kenya and contributing to global dialogues on the future of communication.

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