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How Displaced Persons In Kenya Have Been Affected

how displaced persons in kenya have been affected


Displaced persons are people who have been displaced from their communities or even countries. The displacement of people in Kenya was caused by a number of factors, the most common being armed conflict. Natural disasters, famine, political reasons and economic changes are some of the others. In Kenya, the majority of displaced people were displaced due to post election violence that broke in 2008, after the2007  general election. This violence in Kenya lead to some Kenyans’ displacement from their lands on political grounds.

The displaced persons in Kenya can be divided into two categories:

Internally displaced persons.

Externally displaced persons.

Internally Displaced Persons in Kenya

These are people who have been displaced within their country for instance Kenya, following ethnic clashes or disasters such as floods and earthquakes. For instance in Kenya, people were displaced due to ethnic clashes and were distributed to many places where they were living in camps. These places within Kenya included Naivasha, Nakuru, Kitale among other places. The Government of Kenya under president Uhuru Kenyatta has tried to settle some of the displaced person while others are in the process of being settled according to the report of the Government of Kenya.

Externally Displaced Persons Within Kenya

These are people who have run away from their country as a result of civil war or political persecution and are seeking refuge in Kenya. They are also known as refugees. For example in Kenya, there are many refugees from neighbouring countries such as Sudan and

Somalia and are in Kakuma and Daadab refugee camps in Kenya. The government in Kenya works closely with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to settle all externally displaced persons. The problems experienced by displaced persons in Kenya include housing, sanitation, water supply, lack of inadequate nutrition which may result in malnutrition, security risk and human rights violation, overcrowding which may cause rapid spread of diseases, lack of education opportunities lack  health services, emotional needs and poverty.

Displaced persons in camps in Kenya tend to develop health problems due to poor living conditions, as well as psychological and physical trauma caused by displacement.

Some displaced persons are separated from their families and relatives and have lost homes, jobs and schools for their children. They need material as well as psychological care. Some may develop antisocial behaviour as a defence mechanism as they are unhappy with the displacement in their own country Kenya. It is necessary that some measures need to  be taken to help these displaced persons in Kenya, primarily to resettle them so that their lives can go on.

Apart from the above problems, people who have been displaced within Kenya may bring new diseases, such as diarrhoeal diseases, typhoid, measles, meningitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. Even their animals can bring in diseases such as rabies, anthrax, foot and mouth and brucellosis. So as you can see, they can also pose as a health risk to the community where they settle.

Displacement of persons in Kenya often leads to dramatic changes in the family structure and gender roles, relations and identities. In conflict situations, many women are suddenly thrust into the role of head of the household because the men are recruited to combat, they stay behind to maintain land, or migrate in search of work. Other effects of displaced persons include escalation in the level of poverty, reduction in the level of foreign aid, demographic consequences, religious effect, conflicts between the host community and the displaced group, and political effect.

The services available for displaced persons tend to be those provided by relief agencies, NGOs, the government of Kenya through the provincial and district administration, the church, and institutions such as UNCHR which take care of external refugees. These institutions provide the displaced persons within Kenya with shelter, medical care, food and clothing, and sometimes rehabilitation in the form of teaching them new skills.

Refugees have some sort of international protection provided in Kenya. Their needs are catered for by UNHCR, and their rights are also protected. Internally displaced people are still citizens of their country, and are offered protection in Kenya. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Kenya protects the rights of internally displaced people. Kenya Red Cross conducts protection and assistance programmes for these victims.


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Born in the culinary-rich city of Kisumu, along the shores of Lake Victoria, Cynthia Kendeli's passion for Food & Beverage was almost predestined. Her earliest memories revolve around the bustling fish markets and aromatic eateries of her hometown, and it was this backdrop that kindled her love for food and its cultural significance.

However, Cynthia's interests were dual-pronged. The political landscape of Kenya, with its dynamic shifts and intricate tapestry, also captivated her. This blend of culinary love and political intrigue paved her path to one of Kenya's leading universities, where she pursued degrees in both Food Science and Political Science.

Throughout her academic journey, Cynthia stood out for her unique ability to interweave two seemingly disparate subjects. She penned articles that delved into the socio-political impacts on Kenya's food and beverage industry, exploring topics ranging from local farm policies to international trade agreements.

After graduation, Cynthia quickly established herself in the world of journalism. Her writings, which appeared in national newspapers and magazines, bridged the gap between culinary enthusiasts and political aficionados. With every article, she managed to underscore the intricate relationship between politics and what ends up on the plates of Kenyans.

Her investigative pieces, particularly those that highlighted the interplay between governmental policies and the food & beverage sector, have earned her accolades both nationally and internationally. Cynthia's work does not just inform; it prompts discussions, incites debates, and often leads to tangible change in policy-making circles.

In addition to her journalistic endeavors, Cynthia Kendeli actively participates in food festivals, political debates, and educational seminars, serving as a bridge between the culinary world and the political arena.

Today, as a celebrated voice in both Food & Beverage and political journalism, Cynthia Kendeli continues to satiate the appetites of readers keen on understanding the confluence of culture, cuisine, and politics in Kenya.

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