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How Farmers Prevent The Spread of Ticks In Kenya

how farmers prevent the spread of ticks in kenya


Categories of tick control are in three main groups all of which have been proven to be effective by the specified experts. Ticks reduce the production levels of livestock hence a farmer should always be on the watch out to control the pests. The following category gives a summary of the main methods used in the control of ticks.

Biological method

This method utilizes the tick’s natural enemies that predate on the ticks. The nymphs are usually destroyed by certain like ants and birds. A small number of ticks will be controlled using this major way. Self licking by the animal may also be effective n controlling the ticks.

Mechanical methods

They comprise a set of activities that include the following

  • Burning infested pastures

  • Interfering or altering the tick’s natural environment.

  • Fencing off the pasture land and firm.

  • Starving the respective ticks to death.

  • Handpicking the ticks from the animals and physically killing them on the spot.

Chemical method of control

It is proven by experts as the most effective method. Ticks are destroyed by spraying the chemical to the host animal that kills them. The following are the major ways used to apply the chemicals

  • Spraying the animals regularly.

  • Dipping animals completely in the solution.

  • Hand dressing the animals against ticks using pyegrease.

About the Author

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Hailing from the fertile highlands of central Kenya, Wamugunda-Anne's life has always been intertwined with the land. Born into a family of farmers, her earliest memories are of verdant fields, changing seasons, and the rhythm of nature. These formative experiences would later shape her academic and professional pursuits.

Wamugunda-Anne's passion for agriculture was not just about the practice but understanding its deeper implications — the sociological, environmental, and economic intricacies of farming in Kenya. This passion drove her to one of Kenya's prestigious universities, where she pursued a degree in Agricultural Sciences. Throughout her academic journey, she became renowned for her insightful articles on sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the balance between modern techniques and traditional Kenyan agricultural wisdom.

After university, Wamugunda-Anne transitioned into a full-time career in agricultural journalism. Her works have since been published in numerous national and international journals. Beyond just writing, she has played a pivotal role in shaping agricultural policies in Kenya by collaborating with policymakers, researchers, and local farmers. Her articles often focus on the challenges faced by Kenyan farmers, sustainable agricultural practices, and innovative solutions to boost food security in the region.

Today, Wamugunda-Anne stands as a beacon of inspiration in Kenyan agricultural circles. With every article she writes, she hopes to enlighten, inspire, and pave the way for a sustainable agricultural future for Kenya and the African continent at large.

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